Cusrom Ios For Advan S5E
Rom Version : 4.2.2 With Root
- Prerooted with SuperSU
- Playstore
- Android 4.2.2 with iOS8 skin on top
- 3G Hanya SIM 1
- Include GAPPS
- Smooth
- Boot Animation Cyanogenmod
-Shutanimation Cyanogenmod
Link Rom :
1. Wipe data
2. Wipe cache
3. Wipe dalvik cache 1
4. Pilih Mount and Storage
--->format data
--->format system
--->format cache
2. Wipe cache
3. Wipe dalvik cache 1
4. Pilih Mount and Storage
--->format data
--->format system
--->format cache
5. Install ROM
6. Reboot
7. Finished
6. Reboot
7. Finished
Bug :
- Google Now & Google Penelusuran = Cara FIX nya Masuk Ke PlayStore Perbarui Semua Aplikasi Yg Minta Pembaruan .
- No TV Analog
Thanks To
*Allah SWT
*Bayu Metamorfosis
*All Member S5E
*Mbah Google
*Dan Lain Lain
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